Alutiiq Education Resource Catalog
This table provides an overview of all currently available Alutiiq educational resources. Use the Subject, Values and Sponsor filters or provide keywords to filter the list. Click column heads to sort by Title, Author, Year or Grade Level. Click the item title for full details and download links. Once you have applied a filter, you may click "Show all" to remove the filter or search.
Mood Swings Labels
Author: Alisha Drabek ~ 2012
- Subjects
~ Language Arts
~ Alutiiq Language
- Grade Range: K - 12+
- Alutiiq Values
~ People - suupet
~ Learning - liicirpet
~ Humor - englarstaisngukut
- Local Resource file: mood_swings_labels_final.pdf
- Sponsors
~ Other
- Notes:
Produced by Alisha Drabek with editorial support from elders. Use the labels to practice phrases for common emotions. Alternatively, you can draw your own facial expressions or take family photos of each emotion to add the labels to. It's a fun way to practice Alutiiq and let people know how you feel!