Alutiiq Education Resource Catalog
This table provides an overview of all currently available Alutiiq educational resources. Use the Subject, Values and Sponsor filters or provide keywords to filter the list. Click column heads to sort by Title, Author, Year or Grade Level. Click the item title for full details and download links. Once you have applied a filter, you may click "Show all" to remove the filter or search.
Word Wiinaq
Author: Will Monroe ~ 2014
- Subjects
~ Language Arts
~ Alutiiq Language
- Grade Range: 8 - 12+
- Alutiiq Values
~ Learning - liicirpet
~ Language - Sugt'stun niuwacipet
- Internet URL:
- Local Resource file:
- Sponsors
~ Other
- Notes:
Developed by Will Monroe to help hypothesis how words will change based on who they are talking about, and when. Most of the words will follow the pattern identified in the database, however, just like in any language, some Alutiiq words are irregular and therefore may not be right. Use this tool to help you get an idea of how the word would change based on the context of the sentence.